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Most significant articles



Beyond traditional visual sleep scoring: massive feature extraction
and unsupervised clustering of sleep time series

Decat, Walter, Koh, Sribanditmongkol, Fulcher, Windt, Andrillon & Tsuchiya


Expectations boost the reconstruction of auditory features
from electrophysiological responses to noisy speech

Corcoran, Perera, Koroma, Kouider, Hohwy & Andrillon


The eyes have it: The pupillary light response as a physiological index
of aphantasia, sensory and phenomenological imagery strength

Kay, Keogh, Andrillon & Pearson




Predicting lapses of attention with sleep-like slow waves

Andrillon, Burns, MacKay, Windt & Tsuchiya

Nature Communications


Probing machine-learning classifiers using noise, bubbles, and reverse correlation

Thoret, Andrillon, Léger & Pressnitzer

Journal of Neuroscience Methods


Divided attention in the tactile modality

Daniel, Andrillon, Tsuchiya & van Boxtel

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (in press)


The impact of sleep loss on performance monitoring and error-monitoring:
A systematic review and meta-analysis

Boardman, Porcheret, Clark, Andrillon, Cai, Anderson & Drummond

Sleep Medicine Reviews




Sleepers selectively suppress informative inputs during rapid eye movements

Koroma, Lacaux*, Andrillon*, Legendre, Léger & Kouider

Current Biology


Revisiting the value of polysomnographic data in insomnia: more than meets the eye

Andrillon, Solelhac, Bouchequet, ... & Léger

Sleep Medicine


A cognitive profile of multi-sensory imagery, memory and dreaming in aphantasia

Dawes, Keogh, Andrillon & Pearson

Scientific Reports


A reply to “the unfolding argument”: Beyond functionalism/behaviorism
and towards a science of causal structure theories of consciousness

Tsuchiya, Andrillon & Haun

Consciousness and Cognition




The vigilant sleeper: neural mechanisms of sensory (de)coupling during sleep

Andrillon & Kouider

Current Opinion in Physiology


Sleepers track informative speech in a multitalker environment

Legendre*, Andrillon*, Koroma & Kouider

Nature Human Behaviour


Daytime Exposure to Blue-Enriched Light Counters the Effects of Sleep Restriction
on Cortisol, Testosterone, Alpha-Amylase and Executive Processes

Faraut, Andrillon, ... & Léger

Frontiers in Neuroscience


Does the mind wander when the brain takes a break?
Local sleep in wakefulness, attentional lapses and mind- wandering

Andrillon, Windt, Silk, Drummond, Bellgrove & Tsuchiya

Frontiers in Neuroscience




Selective neuronal lapses precede human cognitive lapses upon sleep deprivation

Nir, Andrillon, Marmelshtein, Suthana, Cirelli, Tononi* & Fried*

Nature Medicine


Formation and Suppression of Acoustic Memories during Human Sleep

Andrillon, Pressnitzer, Léger & Kouider

Nature Communications




Napping: A public health issue. From epidemiological to laboratory studies

Faraut, Andrillon, Vecchierini & Léger

Sleep Medicine Reviews


Implicit memory for words heard during sleep

Andrillon & Kouider

Neuroscience of Consciousness


Neural Markers of Responsiveness to the Environment in Human Sleep

Andrillon, Poulsen, Hansen, Léger & Kouider

The Journal of Neuroscience




Perceptual learning of acoustic noise generates memory-evoked potentials

Andrillon, Kouider, Agus & Pressnitzer

Current Biology


Single-neuron activity and eye movements during human REM sleep and awake vision

Andrillon*, Nir*, Cirelli, Tononi & Fried

Nature Communications


Inducing task-relevant responses in the sleeping brain

Kouider, Andrillon, Barbosa, Goupil & Bekinschtein

Current Biology




Sleep Spindles in Humans: Insights from Intracranial EEG and Unit Recordings

Andrillon*, Nir*, Staba, Ferrarelli, Cirelli, Tononi & Fried

The Journal of Neuroscience


Regional Slow Waves and Spindles in Human Sleep

Nir, Staba, Andrillon, Vyazovskiy, Cirelli, Fried & Tononi


All articles



[Attention and mind wandering]


Predicting lapses of attention with sleep-like slow waves

Andrillon, Burns, MacKay, Windt & Tsuchiya

Nature Communications (2021)


Selective neuronal lapses precede human cognitive lapses upon sleep deprivation

Nir, Andrillon, Marmelshtein, Suthana, Cirelli, Tononi* & Fried*

Nature Medicine (2017)


[Sensing and learning during sleep]


The vigilant sleeper: neural mechanisms of sensory (de)coupling during sleep

Andrillon & Kouider

Current Opinion in Physiology (2019)


Sleepers track informative speech in a multitalker environment

Legendre*, Andrillon*, Koroma & Kouider

Nature Human Behaviour (2019)



Formation and Suppression of Acoustic Memories during Human Sleep

Andrillon, Pressnitzer, Léger & Kouider

Nature Communications (2017)


Neural Markers of Responsiveness to the Environment in Human Sleep

Andrillon, Poulsen, Hansen, Léger & Kouider

The Journal of Neuroscience (2016)


[Neurophysiology of sleep]


Single-neuron activity and eye movements during human REM sleep and awake vision

Andrillon*, Nir*, Cirelli, Tononi & Fried

Nature Communications (2015)


Regional Slow Waves and Spindles in Human Sleep

Nir, Staba, Andrillon, Vyazovskiy, Cirelli, Fried & Tononi

Neuron (2011)

© 2021 by Thomas Andrillon. Created with

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